# O predstavi / About show

„Sve što je bilo deo naše epohe sahranjeno je bez razlike. Deo našeg života takođe, zajedno sa našim radostima i našim patnjama, našim ponosom i našom sramotom. Sve je uništeno do temelja i morali smo da počnemo od nule...Nastavili smo da se nadamo, uprkos svemu, da ćemo nekom ponovo biti potrebni MI. I u tome je naša tragedija.“ („Le Monde ex“, Predrag Matvejević)

„All that was part of our epoch was buried without a difference. Part of our life also, together with our joys and our sufferings, our pride and our shame. Everything is destroyed to the ground and we had to start from scratch ... We continued to hope that, despite everything, somebody will need US again. And this is our tragedy.“ („Le Monde ex“, Predrag Matvejevic)

Kraj komunizma
Jedan zarez nešto govori o osamdesetim godinama u Jugoslaviji. O periodu koji obeležava nestajanje jednog sveta i dolazak drugog. Drug Tito je umro 1980. godine, deceniju kasnije, komunistički režim duž cele Istočne Evrope je pao, dovodeći nekad do nasilnih konflikata. Sa komunističkom državom, postepeno su nestajale i vrednosti komunizma. I na istoku i na zapadu. Jedan zarez nešto govori o ovom nestajanju I njegovim siročićima.

„Nakon događaja koji su označili kraj ovog veka, mnogi od nas su ex-nešto. Svet exova je pun naslednika bez nasledstva, pun raznih mitologija koje isključuju jedna drugu, ponavljanja prošlosti i sadašnjosti sačinjenih od brzo zakrpljenih, loše odabranih slika.“ (Predrag Matvejević, Svet-Ex).

The end of communism
One point something deals with the Yugoslavia of the eighties. A pivotal period marked by the disappearance of a world and the advent of another. Tito died in 1980, ten years later, the communist regimes throughout Eastern Europe fell, leading sometimes to violent conflicts.
Along with the state communism, there were also all the basic values of communism which gradually vanished. In both East and West. One point something tells the story of this disappearance and its orphans.

"After the events that mark the end of this century, many of us are now ex-something The world of exes is full of heirs without inheritance, of various mythologies excluding one another, reiterations of the past and present, of ill-assorted images quickly patched up"(Predrag Matvejevic, the World-ex).
Generacija bez nasledstva
Jedan zarez nešto govori o dvoje dece naše generacije, rođene osamdesetih. Naše „generacije neizbežno naredne, u korenu usporene kada joj je namenjeno da nasledi“ (Derida, Specters of Marks). Nama nedostaje upravo ovo nasleđe.
„Iza nas, spaljena zemlja. Jaz između mladih i starih ostaje skoro nepremostiv. Očevi i deca koji gledaju kako da zatrpaju prazninu pomoću simbola prohujalih vremena - simbola kojima su njihove veze prekinute - I ciji smisao i sami slabo poznaju - čas komičnim, čas tragičnim : povratak u prošlost je priviđenje, povratak prošlosti - nesreća. '' (Predrag Matvejević, Svet-ex )

A generation without inheritance
One point something tells the story of two children of our generation, born in the eighties. Our « generation necessarily second, originally delayed and then intended to inherit. "(Derrida, Specters of Marx) This, however is when what is lacking, what we lack, is precisely this inheritance. "Behind us, a scorched earth. The chasm between young and old people remains almost impassable. Fathers and children, seeking to fill the gap by using symbols of past times- symbols with which their ties were severed, which themselves are unfamiliar with their meanings – which are by turns comic and tragic "( Predrag Matvejevic, the World-ex).

We are, therefore, a number of young people in former Yugoslavia, here not only to struggle in the chasm ( "thinking into the breach," said Arendt) but to try to understand the spectral survival of a world that we had not time to see disappearing, to try to think an uncertain legacy, a faulty transmission, a memory which is accessible only on condition of being reinvented, and that is what theatre can do: reinvent memory (for us).